Elements of Elitism in Polish Philosophical and Social Thought of the Beginning of XX Century


This article shows the leading role of the elite in creating cultural heritage. Since the subject of reflection has been the society, carried out on the search for distinctive features of outstanding individuals. Many thinkers emphasized the culture-forming, nation-forming and political importance of the elites. Most often in the concepts of the elitist his influence on the direction of social development. The elitist tendencies culminated in the early twentieth century. Also in the works of Polish thinkers can be found threads of elitism.


Elitism; philosophy in Poland; individuals; social development

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Published : 2017-07-11

SzumeraG. (2017). Elements of Elitism in Polish Philosophical and Social Thought of the Beginning of XX Century. Folia Philosophica, 38. Retrieved from https://journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/FOLIA/article/view/5199

Grażyna Szumera  g.szumera@interia.pl
Uniwersytet Śląski  Poland

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