Świętochowski’s Positivist Musings on Science as the Engine of Civilizational Progress

Barbara Szotek


Positivist philosophy is focused on the problem of science and especially on its cognitive results and applications. We can say that Polish intellectual circles of this era glorified science. In her article, Barbara Szotek presents this phenomenon through the figure of Aleksander Świętochowski, the most famous representative and ideologist of scientific positivism. His works best illustrate the evolution of positivist views on science and its social role.


science; functions of science; positivism; scientism; Aleksander Świętochowski; evolution of positivism

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Published : 2021-12-30

SzotekB. (2021). Świętochowski’s Positivist Musings on Science as the Engine of Civilizational Progress. Folia Philosophica, 46, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.31261/fp.12306

Barbara Szotek 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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