Creativity and Dynamism contra Idealism Imagination in Anna Teresa Tymieniecka’s Concept of Phenomenology of Life


Anna Teresa Tymieniecka’s (1923—2014) concept of phenomenology of life appears as a cosmological perspective of the development of phenomenology in general. Although Polish philosopher elaborated this conception in polemic with Edmund Husserl’s phenomenological view and in co-operation with the natural sciences, she tried to keep all the gains of classical phenomenology. Ultimately, she subjected the transcendental consciousness to verification, pointing its stability as a result of the intentionality of cognition, which Husserl considered as the constitutive function of the subject. By changing the perspective, Tymieniecka was striving to demonstrate that the subject — the living human being — gives the world the sense of meaning and knows it as originally inspired and motivated by his imagination. Therefore, the
creative imagination — Imaginatuio Creatrix — should be established as a dynamic source of the constitution of the human world.


Imaginatio Creatix; the creative act; the logos of life; the transcendental consciousness; the intentionality

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Published : 2017-07-11

MruszczykM. (2017). Creativity and Dynamism contra Idealism Imagination in Anna Teresa Tymieniecka’s Concept of Phenomenology of Life. Folia Philosophica, 38. Retrieved from

Magdalena Mruszczyk
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland
Magdalena Mruszczyk -
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