Quality of Life as a Philosophical Problem


The article deals with the problem of “quality of life” from the philosophical perspective. In contemporary scientific studies, the issue of quality of life is analyzed in sociological, political and medical aspects. The author of the article is looking for a philosophical model of theoretical reflection on the quality of life, he refers to this problem in the recognition philosophy of values. His research is based on the ideas of Max Scheler, and his later continuators. The author analyzes the problem of “quality of life” in the axiological, biological and cultural perspectives. The philosophical thought, and especially its axiological approach, is necessary to understand the phenomenon of quality of life in different contexts.


quality of life; value; development; satisfaction with life; culture of consumption

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Published : 2018-12-24

WojewodaM. (2018). Quality of Life as a Philosophical Problem. Folia Philosophica, 40. Retrieved from https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/FOLIA/article/view/6425

Mariusz Wojewoda  mariusz.wojewoda@us.edu.pl
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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