Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation (JIAS) method – application in the therapy of hearing difficulties. A case study


Difficulties in linguistic communication and cognitive functioning of children, adolescents and adults often result from incorrect processing of auditory stimulus. Nowadays, we can support people with auditory processing disorders by performing properly selected exercises for auditory functions, including auditory training. There are over a dozen auditory trainings available in Poland, e.g. the Tomatis method, the Warnke method, Neuroflow, and the Johansen method of Individualised Auditory Stimulation (JIAS). The article presents a description of the therapy of a thirteen-year-old girl with hearing difficulties administered according to the guidelines of the Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation (JIAS) and the results obtained after the therapy.


auditory processing disorders; auditory training; Johansen IAS; case study

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Published : 2020-10-21

Kocyła-ŁukasiewiczA. (2020). Johansen Individualised Auditory Stimulation (JIAS) method – application in the therapy of hearing difficulties. A case study. Logopedia Silesiana, (9), 1-36.

Aldona Kocyła-Łukasiewicz 
Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities  Poland

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