Zaburzenie rozwoju koordynacji – dyspraksja. Przegląd badań


The need for rapid responding to stimuli, inscribed in the phylogenetic development, is associated with the germination of different systems of information processing. The condition of the maturity of central‑peripheral structures as well as it defines the level of processes of coordination developmental and processes of cultural learning. The individual (ontogenic) development of the human nervous system takes place stage by stage and this process is spread over a given time. The results provide evidence of the many‑changes in the connections of the brain as the cause of development processing disorder. This paper focuses on the concept of cortico‑subcortical loops and cerebellum of the majority of motor, emotional and cognitive functions.
Key words: developmental coordination disorder, sensory processing, neurodevelopmental disorders, cortico‑subcortical loops, motor functions

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Published : 2016-12-22

PrzybylaO. (2016). Zaburzenie rozwoju koordynacji – dyspraksja. Przegląd badań. Logopedia Silesiana, (5), 227-248. Retrieved from

Olga Przybyla
Katedra Dydaktyki Języka i Literatury Polskiej, Centrum Logopedii, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach 

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