Studium przypadku dziecka z zaburzeniami motorycznymi o podłożu sensorycznym


The article contains a description of the case study of a child with the Sensory Processing Disorders. The case study method is analytical. In the etiology of the Sensory Processing Disorders,
the most frequently spoken of developmental of coordination and the condition of the maturity of central-peripheral structures. As therapeutic observations confirm, it is therefore interesting to
examine auditory attention (selection and intensification of sound stimuli processing) and assessment of the ability of coordination.
Key words: sensory processing disorders, the developmental processing disorder, central auditory processing disorders

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Published : 2016-12-20

PrzybylaO. (2016). Studium przypadku dziecka z zaburzeniami motorycznymi o podłożu sensorycznym. Logopedia Silesiana, (5), 357-390. Retrieved from

Olga Przybyla
Katedra Dydaktyki Języka i Literatury Polskiej, Centrum Logopedii, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach 

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