Wybrane czynniki psychospołeczne a występowanie trudności głosowych wśród nauczycieli


The article discusses the factors determining the occurrence of voice emission problems, including internal, external, and psychosocial ones. It was proposed to distinguish the psychological / psychosocial factors as a separate group. The results of the research conducted among teachers (N = 265) in schools in the Silesian provinces show how psychological factors affect the self-assessment of voice (emotional, functional, and physical, measured by means of the Voice Handicap Index
scale); these factors are: the level of perceived stress (PSS10), anxiety (STAI I and II – anxiety as a trait and anxiety as a state), self-assessment (SES) and life satisfaction (SWLS). The article describes the results of original research on the dependence of psychosocial factors and voice disability.

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Published : 2019-12-22

GuzyA. (2019). Wybrane czynniki psychospołeczne a występowanie trudności głosowych wśród nauczycieli. Logopedia Silesiana, (8), 274-297. https://doi.org/10.31261/LOGOPEDIASILESIANA.2019.08.13

Anna Guzy  logopediasilesiana@us.edu.pl
Wydział Humanistyczny, Instytut Językoznawstwa, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland

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