Głosowanie elektroniczne jako alternatywna metoda uczestniczenia w wyborach – opinie Polaków


Electronic voting as an alternative method of participation in the elections – opinions of Poles

The research subject of this paper are the opinions of Poles on the implementation of one of the alternative methods of voting in elections and referendums - an electronically assisted voting. The main aim of the author is the analysis of the attitudes of Poles on the idea of establishment of e-voting in Poland, and their declarations regarding the use of e-voting (if such possibility). The findings would be supplemented with selected data from the public opinion polls realized by the Office of Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman).

Key words:
electronic voting, e-voting, Internet voting, opinions of Poles

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Published : 2015-01-01

Musiał-KargM. (2015). Głosowanie elektroniczne jako alternatywna metoda uczestniczenia w wyborach – opinie Polaków. Political Preferences, (10). Retrieved from https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/PP/article/view/4277

Magdalena Musiał-Karg  magdalena.musial-karg@amu.edu.pl

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