Does The U.S. Campaign Finance System Favor Republicans?


There is a common belief that the pro-regulatory approach of Democrats, makes them more determined in the fight against big money in campaign elections, whereas Republicans, supporting recent Supreme Court decisions in Citizens United v. F.E.C. and McCutcheon v. F.E.C., benefit from the system more than their political counterparts. The aim of the article is to analyze the real character of the U.S. campaign finance regulations, both from legislative and judicial perspective, and to determine which political party benefits from the system: Republican or Democratic? By underlining the Buckley rule that ‘money is speech’ the Author suggests that campaign contributions and spending are deeply rooted in the character of American political system determining the political future of candidates of both political parties. The article refers to election cycles since 1970s, but it mainly focuses on recent election cycles, including the 2016 presidential election.


Key words:

campaign finance, Republicans and Democrats, U.S. politics and law

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Published : 2017-07-20

LaidlerP. (2017). Does The U.S. Campaign Finance System Favor Republicans?. Political Preferences, (14). Retrieved from

Paweł Laidler
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie  Poland

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