Lost, Sought, and Recovered: The Cultural Heritage of Industrial Łódź and the Example of Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki [Art Factory]


Over the past 25 years, Łódź has seen an evolution in attitude towards the city’s post-industrial heritage, both material and non-material. Exemplifying these processes of loss, seeking, and retrieval is Art_Inkubator, a complex of 19th-century factories in the city’s central district of Księży Młyn that once belonged to Karol Scheibler and Ludwik Grohman. The goal of the project, carried out by a municipal cultural institution known as Fabryka Sztuki, has been to revitalize and adapt former factory buildings, including them in its incubator program dedicated to the support of activities within the creative industries sector. Another cultural heritage site known as MuseumABC is also located in this area. Fabryka Sztuki’s efforts have preserved the factory buildings as part of the city’s cultural heritage and made it possible to put their historic features to good use in the development of innovative and creative activities. After decades of neglect, the characteristic red-brick buildings have been
given “new life” as centres of culture and business enterprise.


Art_Inkubator; Fabryka Sztuki [Art Factory]; cultural heritage; industrial Łódź; postindustrialism; revitalisation

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Published : 2020-12-21

Moreno-KamińskaN. (2020). Lost, Sought, and Recovered: The Cultural Heritage of Industrial Łódź and the Example of Art_Inkubator in Fabryka Sztuki [Art Factory]. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 20, SEIA.2020.20.02 s. 1-17. https://doi.org/10.31261/SEIA.2020.20.02

Natalie Moreno-Kamińska 
University of Lodz  Poland

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