Mending tradition: The costumes of Sądecki Lachs as an expression of identity and regional affiliation


In their studies of the clothing of the former Sądecczyzna region conducted so far, scholars have omitted its variability. The idea of there being only one variant of the traditional costume, embraced and copied both by researchers and by local regionalists, was effectively fixed in the consciousness of the group identified as Sądecki Lachs. The region, thus hermetically sealed and supposedly resistant to any transformation, has become identified as an area where this variant has exclusively occurred. The use of traditional Lach costumes is an important element of social discussion, and its analysis stimulates further research problems, e.g.: Is a new creation/recomposition a continuation of the phenomena of folklore? Is it folklorismus? Or is it a completely different phenomenon in the context of autofolklorization?


: regional costume; regional affiliation; cultural diversity; Sądecki Lachs

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Published : 2021-06-15

RutkowskiP. (2021). Mending tradition: The costumes of Sądecki Lachs as an expression of identity and regional affiliation. Studia Etnologiczne I Antropologiczne, 21(1), 1-14.

Patryk Sebastian Rutkowski 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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