Vol 14 (2014): Globalisation as a challenge for the preservation and propagation of cultural heritage in Central and Eastern Europe.

Knowledge about the process of globalisation, its directions and effects is incoherent, dispersed, and the term globalisation itself is understood and interpreted in various ways. Therefore it is not easy to link globalisation and cultural heritage, but the authors of the contributions published in the next volume of "Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne" decided to overcome this difficulty.
 Globalisation is a serious challenge for cultural heritage. One aspect of this challenge is the obvious threat in the form of the most important mechanism of globalization, namely homogenization, the universal desire to standardize and simplify all contents, including the content from the field of culture. The second aspect is a chance to introduce cultural heritage - national and local - into the global circulation of knowledge about the world, i.e. into the circulation providing a unique opportunity to appear on a global scale. The publication is above all addressed to ethnologists, sociologists, culture scientists, but also people dealing with the propagation of cultural heritage on a daily basis. The work addresses, among other things, the impact of globalisation on human identity, presents the role of dissemination of cultural heritage in a global reality and shows the transformations affecting cultural heritage in the era of globalisation.