Badanie alalii prolongaty – propozycja metodologiczna


Examination of Alalia Prolongata – a Methodological Proposal

The issue of delayed speech development requires extensive and in-depth research. It is estimated that about 10% of children are affected by delayed speech development. It is therefore a common but still insufficiently examined and described disorder. Within the field of study connected with delayed speech development, one can distinguish a disorder known as alalia prolongata which includes cases of language development delays without concrete reasons for their incidence. The present article puts forward a methodological proposal for examining language skills of 6-year-old children with alalia prolongata against children that meet the biological standard. It presents the state of research on delayed speech development and theoretical assumptions adopted for the purpose of the research. The presented method consists in the use of our own tool for assessing the language skills of children with delayed speech development, as well as children who fall into the biological norm category. This research shall make it possible to demonstrate the depth of disproportion in the language development of children at the same age and shall allow for a full diagnosis of children with alalia prolongata.
Key words: delayed speech development, alalia prolongata, language skills testing, communicative and linguistic competence, logopaedic methodology

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Published : 2017-12-20

Dębińska-GustawK. (2017). Badanie alalii prolongaty – propozycja metodologiczna. Logopedia Silesiana, (6), 115-138. Retrieved from

Kamila Dębińska-Gustaw
Zakład Logopedii i Językoznawstwa Stosowanego, Uniwersytet Marii Curie‑Skłodowskiej w Lublinie 

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