Between Czechoslovakia and 'Mečiarism': Political Situation in the Slovak Republic in 1992-1994

Krzysztof Żarna


The article concerns the analysis of the political situation in the Slovak Republic and the formation of the party system. In the analysed period, the process of decomposition of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic took place, or actually, the culmination of this process. The study is based on the assumption that in the analysed period there were many divisions observed on the political scene, which were the result of the lack of a stable political structure. In the article author uses the method of historical and institutional analysis.


Slovakia; Czechoslovakia; Vladimír Mečiar; HZDS

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Published : 2018-12-31

ŻarnaK. (2018). Between Czechoslovakia and ’Mečiarism’: Political Situation in the Slovak Republic in 1992-1994. Political Preferences, (21). Retrieved from

Krzysztof Żarna
University of Rzeszów  Poland

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