Hypo-q-norms on a cartesian product of algebras of operators on Banach spaces


In this paper we consider the hypo-q-operator norm and hypo-q-numerical radius on a Cartesian product of algebras of bounded linear operators on Banach spaces. A representation of these norms in terms of semi-inner products, the equivalence with the q-norms on a Cartesian product and some reverse inequalities obtained via the scalar reverses of Cauchy-Buniakowski-
Schwarz inequality are also given.


normed spaces; cartesian products of normed spaces; inequalities; reverse inequalities; Shisha-Mond type inequalities

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Published : 2020-02-01

DragomirS. S. (2020). Hypo-q-norms on a cartesian product of algebras of operators on Banach spaces. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 34(2), 169-192. Retrieved from https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/AMSIL/article/view/13610

Silvestru Sever Dragomir  sever.dragomir@vu.edu.au
Mathematics, College of Engineering & Science, Victoria University, Australia  Australia

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