On a separation theorem for delta-convex functions

Andrzej Olbryś


In the present paper we establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which two functions can be separated by a delta-convex function. This separation will be understood as a separation with respect to the partial order generated by the Lorentz cone. An application to a stability problem for delta-convexity is also given.


convex functins; delta-convex function; Lorentz cone

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Published : 2020-07-09

OlbryśA. (2020). On a separation theorem for delta-convex functions. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 34(1), 133-141. Retrieved from https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/AMSIL/article/view/13638

Andrzej Olbryś  andrzej.olbrys@us.edu.pl
Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland

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