A Child is a Human Being Now. Responsible Parenthood in the Light of Janusz Korczak’s Pedagogy


The author extracts from the Humanae Vitae encylical the thread of responsible parenthood. He asks about the situation of a child in family half a century after the publication of the papal document. He points towards a number of threats and disruptions in the adult-child relations, which result from an improper understanding of who a child is from the philosophical perspective. He opts for a development of philosophical reflection on a child and enriching it with new aspects. He reaches out for inspiration to the works by Janusz Korczak, which present an outline of the original philosophy of a child. What deserves particular recognition is the perception of a child as a “a project of a future man,” and not as a full-valued person who deserves appreciation of the contemporary ontic and social status. In the conclusion the author develops and clarifies Korczak’s controversial postulate of the “children’s right to death,” giving it a contemporary interpretation.


responsible parenthood; child; children’s rights; philosophy of a child

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Published : 2020-10-28

WieczorekK. (2020). A Child is a Human Being Now. Responsible Parenthood in the Light of Janusz Korczak’s Pedagogy. Philosophy and Canon Law, (5), 97-117. https://doi.org/10.31261/PaCL.2019.05.06

Krzysztof Wieczorek 
University of Silesia  Poland

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