Natural Law and Human Right—The Casus of Contraception (Comments from the Level of Law)


The author of the study deliberates whether the right to contraception can be described as a human right. He makes his speculations on the basis of a broader context of reflections concerning the relationship of human rights with the natural law, to which the former ones refer. The point of reference is recognizing the right as a good which co-creates a man. Contraception is not such a good since it is not an ontological value, that is, the one which does not entail anti-values.


natural law; human rights; Humanae Vitae; UNFPA by choice, not by chance; right to contraception

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Published : 2020-12-18

GałkowskiT. (2020). Natural Law and Human Right—The Casus of Contraception (Comments from the Level of Law). Philosophy and Canon Law, (6), 23-36.

Tomasz Gałkowski 
University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, Warsaw  Poland

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