Opportunities and Pitfalls for Young People in the Online Space


The purpose of this paper is to point out the opportunities and pitfalls of the virtual environment for children and young people. We start with the analysis of a technocratic paradigm which emphasizes a utilitarian view of the world. Technology companies not only seek to improve the design and ergonomics of their products, they also influence their products to shape people’s intentions and habits. Children and young people face the risk of digitalisation on everyday basis. Undoubtedly, technology has a positive impact on young people. In this paper, we list positives such as developing technical and creative skills, collaborating on projects, global connectivity and more. However, the Australian Psychological Society has proposed to recognize
a Problematic Internet Use (PIU) as a legitimate diagnosis—Internet addiction disorder. In addition, digital world represents other risks such as cyberbullying, cyber acquaintances, sexual abuse and many more. We also provide advice to parents on how to protect their children from possible dangers of the virtual world.


anthropocentrism; problematic Internet use; technocratic paradigm; young people

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Published : 2023-06-29

VansačP. (2023). Opportunities and Pitfalls for Young People in the Online Space. Philosophy and Canon Law, 9(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.31261/PaCL.2023.09.1.04

Peter Vansač  vansac.p@gmail.com
St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Work in Bratislava  Slovakia

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