Man “Extended” by Media and Technology: Ethical Considerations


Modern man uses a wide range of technical and media tools. The term “techne,” while referring to things and skills, also denotes man’s connections with these objects. The influence of techne on the functioning of the human person is mutual; as we adapt the tools to our needs, we also change ourselves by using modern technologies. James J. Gibson’s concept of affordance and Andy Clark’s concept of the extended mind allow us accurately to describe the relationship between the human mind, man’s cognitive abilities and actions, and the external environment. In this article, the Author addresses the technical, media- and communication-related aspects of this environment. The article’s concluding section is devoted to the ethical consequences of technical and media extension of man and the frame of reference for these considerations is supplied by Karol Wojtyła’s concept of the human person.


człowiek rozszerzony; osoba ludzka; afordancje; nowe technologie; media cyfrowe


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Published : 2023-06-29

WojewodaM. (2023). Man “Extended” by Media and Technology: Ethical Considerations. Philosophy and Canon Law, 9(1), 1-16.

Mariusz Wojewoda
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

Miejsce pracy: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, WNS, kierwnik Zakładu Antropologii Filozoficznej i Kognitywistyki. Zainteresowania naukowe: etyka, etyki stosowane, neuroetyka, aksjologia, filozofia techniki. Uczestnik i członek Rady Naukowej międzynarodowej grupy naukowej CULTMEDIA

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