Alienation of Drygas' and Cauchy's functional equations


Inspired by the papers [2, 10] we will study, on 2-divisible groups that need not be abelian, the alienation problem between Drygas’ and the exponential Cauchy functional equations, which is expressed by the equation
f(x + y) + g(x + y) + g(x - y) = f(x)f(y) + 2g(x) + g(y) + g(-y).
We also consider an analogous problem for Drygas’ and the additive Cauchy functional equations as well as for Drygas’ and the logarithmic Cauchy functional equations. Interesting consequences of these results are presented.


alienation; exponential Cauchy equation; additive Cauchy equation; logarithmic Cauchy equation; Drygas' functional equation

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Published : 2021-04-13

AissiY., ZeglamiD., & FadliB. (2021). Alienation of Drygas’ and Cauchy’s functional equations. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 35(2), 131-148. Retrieved from

Youssef Aissi
Department of Mathematics E.N.S.A.M, Moulay ISMAIL University, Morocco  Morocco
Driss Zeglami 
Department of Mathematics E.N.S.A.M, Moulay ISMAIL University, Morocco  Morocco
Brahim Fadli 
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Chouaib Doukkali University, Morocco  Morocco

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