Triality groups associated with triple systems and their homotope algebras

Noriaki Kamiya


We introduce the notion of an (α,β,γ) triple system, which generalizes the familiar generalized Jordan triple system related to a construction of simple Lie algebras. We then discuss its realization by considering some bilinear algebras and vice versa. Next, as a new concept, we study triality relations (a triality group and a triality derivation) associated with these triple systems; the relations are a generalization of the automorphisms and derivations of the triple systems. Also, we provide examples of several involutive triple systems with a tripotent element.


(α,β,γ) triple systems; Freudenthal-Kantor triple systems; triality relations; generalization of automorphisms and derivations

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Published : 2021-04-13

KamiyaN. (2021). Triality groups associated with triple systems and their homotope algebras. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 35(2), 184-210. Retrieved from

Noriaki Kamiya
Research Institute for Mathematical Algebras Sciences (RIMAS), Chigasaki City, Japan  Japan

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