On quaternion Gaussian Bronze Fibonacci numbers


In the present work, a new sequence of quaternions related to the Gaussian Bronze numbers is defined and studied. Binet’s formula, generating function and certain properties and identities are provided. Tridiagonal matrices are considered to determine the general term of this sequence.


Bronze Fibonacci numbers; Gaussian Bronze Fibonacci numbers; quaternions; Generating function; Binet’s formula

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Published : 2022-09-08

CatarinoP., & RicardoS. (2022). On quaternion Gaussian Bronze Fibonacci numbers. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae, 36(2), 129-150. Retrieved from https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/AMSIL/article/view/14551

Paula Catarino 
Department of Mathematics, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal  Portugal
Sandra Ricardo  sricardo@utad.pt
Department of Mathematics, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal  Portugal

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