The Role of Ecological Education and IT Education in Promoting Sustainable Development of a Human Being


We live in times dominated by the media, which have an impact on virtually every sphere of our lives. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine school education without the use of modern technologies such as computers or the Internet. In the context of the ecological crisis and a number of threats associated with it which are brought by contemporary civilisation, including those of conformism or materialism, it is necessary to present a series of actions taken in education to help children and their parents oppose contemporary threats. The Internet today is becoming a good tool for exploiting information.

The article contains theoretical considerations on the important problems of modern civilisation and human education, namely issues related to ecology, the use of modern technologies, and communication. It focuses the reader’s attention on important values in education for sustainable development.

Today’s youth desperately need help, hence the concept of an education model for sustainable development is extremely timely, needed, and desirable. It is defined as the process of patiently building the student’s interior world by passing on values that are cultural achievements.

Only in culture can a human live a truly human life. We strive for the truth because we want to create a community, and it is the interactivity that gives us the chance to participate and implement the community. Despite the pessimistic picture that a human will give in to the machine, we can come to the conclusion that the Internet gives the environment the possibility of integrating societies. It is a tool, but not a guarantee, and if we recognise the Internet well, there may be hope for us.


Internet; sustainable development; youth; ecology; education

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Published : 2018-02-01

RumanN. (2018). The Role of Ecological Education and IT Education in Promoting Sustainable Development of a Human Being. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 4(2), 107-123. Retrieved from

Natalia Maria Ruman 
Uniwersytet Śląski  Poland

PhD, University of Silesia in Katowice, Faculty of Ethnology and Educational
Science in Cieszyn, Poland

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