Developing Students’ Information Competencies in the Context of Multicultural Education Using University E-learning Platform


In this paper we would like to introduce our way of thinking about approaches to students in the term of e-learning use in the context of a multicultural society. We are focusing on the question of developing the information competencies in the environment of multicultural education. This paper also provides examples of good practice especially when teaching via e-learning platform, LMS Moodle, at the University of Žilina.


e-learning; information literacy; information competencies; information education; information technologies; communication technologies; evaluation criteria; LMS Moodle; multicultural education

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Published : 2016-02-01

KubalíkováA., & TrabalíkováJ. (2016). Developing Students’ Information Competencies in the Context of Multicultural Education Using University E-learning Platform. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 2(1), 107-126. Retrieved from

Andrea Kubalíková 
Jana Trabalíková 

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