Technological and Ethical Challenges of Translators Training in Ukraine and Issues of Modern ICT Development


This paper aims to explore the challenges of the Ukrainian system of translators training caused by modern technology advancement. The paper applies established ideas in practical approaches to the improvement of translators training system with respect to new technological requirements for the professionals. The relevant data were obtained by the analysis of questionnaire results. The problems of education of translators in Ukraine under the conditions of dramatic social and political changes are considered. The lack of training in the sphere of technology application for professional development is pointed out on the basis of the research results analysis. The research has also shown the contradictions between the needed level of technological skills of the students of the translation department and modern professional standards. The changes of certification standards for translators in terms of information literacy skills, ethics, and management as related to technological advancement are shown. The paper discusses the results of the original survey involving high school graduates, students, and faculty staff. The recommendations proposed are based on the critical study of the peculiarities of the system of translators training in Ukraine.


translators training; information literacy; ethics; certification

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Published : 2016-02-01

NakaznyiM., & NesterovaO. (2016). Technological and Ethical Challenges of Translators Training in Ukraine and Issues of Modern ICT Development. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 2(2), 62-78. Retrieved from

Mykola O. Nakaznyi 

PhD, professor, Department of Translation, Dniprodzerzhinsk State Technical University, Ukraine

Olha Yu. Nesterova 

PhD, State higher educational institution “National Mining University”

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