On Networking

The Analysis of Selected Aspects


In the information society, the existing traditional ways of communication are changing, often in favour of digital forms. What is also transformed are the forms of teaching and educating, which are substituted by distance education with the use of networks of various types. The study focuses on the theoretical and practical determinants of network functioning. In this study, some e-challenges are analysed in the context of new prospects of the informational-educational space based on the global network of Internet. The  definitions are presented as well as some exemplary types of network. Moreover, the collaboration and self-training network, and its aims are focused on. Two cases are provided as examples – the Internet platform
“Doskonalenie w sieci /Improvement in the Net/” and the international research network IRNet, in the activity of which the authors of the presented article take active part.


education, networks, teaching, ICT

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Published : 2015-06-01

Smyrnova-TrybulskaE., & ŻebrokP. (2015). On Networking. International Journal of Research in E-Learning, 1(2), 47-69. Retrieved from https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/IJREL/article/view/8441

Eugenia Smyrnova-Trybulska 
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland  Poland
Przemysław Żebrok 
Lower-Secondary School No ൬ in Skoczow, Poland  Poland

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