El Canal de Panamá  en el desarrollo marítimo  de las Américas


The Panama Canal in the Maritime Development of the Americas

The Panama Canal is one of the greatest engineering projects that man has ever undertaken in history. Throughout the period of three hundred years, many ideas concerning the prospect of joining two great oceans, and thus to change the geopolitics of the planet, were presented; many attempts at the implementation of the project and attempts were made, and thus the history of the Panama Canal is a history story of numerous failures leading to an ultimate success. With the opening of the Canal, strategic transformations in the area of politics, economy and trade have taken place world-wide. Directly or indirectly related to the opening of the Canal was also the significant shift of attention in the international approach to the regulation of the principles concerning the use waterways, which led to agreements and treaties signed to improve world trade with the view to the advancement of the inter-American and international community.

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Published : 2015-11-15

Argüelles ArredondoC. (2015). El Canal de Panamá  en el desarrollo marítimo  de las Américas. Review of International American Studies, 8(2). Retrieved from https://www.journals.us.edu.pl/index.php/RIAS/article/view/3978

Carlos Gabriel Argüelles Arredondo  carlosar@huatulco.umar.mx
Instituto de Estudios Internacionales Universidad del Mar Bahías de Huatulco Oaxaca, México  Mexico

Profesor-Investigador, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad del Mar, Huatulco, Oaxaca, México. Licenciado en Relaciones Internacionales, (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Maestro en Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad Laval), Canadá. Estudios de postgrado en Integración Regional y Relaciones Económicas Internacionales, Universidad de Barcelona, España. Experiencia: UNICEF - Belice/México. Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, Instituto Quebequense de Altos Estudios Internacionales, Universidad Laval. Oficina Franco-Quebequense para la Juventud. Conferencias en 15 países. Publicaciones: ‘Las actividades internacionales de Oaxaca: Una primera evaluación’; ‘Canadá y América Latina: una relación estratégica hacia la integración económica’; ‘La Antártica en el escenario jurídico internacional’; ‘Canadá y México a quince años del TLCAN: algunas reflexiones’, ‘El Canal de Panamá: puente marítimo estratégico en las Américas’.

Carlos Gabriel Argüelles Arredondo is a Research Professor at the Institute of International Studies, Universidad del Mar, Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico. He holds a postgraduate degree in International Relations granted by National Autonomous University of Mexico and a Master’s in International Relations granted by Laval University, Canada. He also holds a diploma of the Graduate Studies in Regional Integration and International Economic Relations from University of Barcelona, Spain. His professional experience includes work for: UNICEF—Belize / Mexico; Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Québec Institute of International Studies, University Laval and the Franco-Quebecois Office for Youth. Argüelles Arredondo participated in conferences held in 15 countries. His publications include: ‘The International Activities of Oaxaca: A Preliminary Assessment’; ‘Canada and Latin America: A Strategic Relationship Towards Economic Integration’; ‘The Antarctic in the International Legal Scene’; ‘Canada and Mexico During the Fifteen Years of NAFTA: A Handful of Reflections’, ‘The Panama Canal: A Strategic Sea Bridge in the Americas’.

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