“The flesh also leads to heaven”. The body, ecstasy and paradise in erotic-love contemporary Mexican poetry


The article focuses on the study of the representation of time and temporality in contemporary Mexican poems about eroticism-love. Recreating the moment of the union of lovers, a situation that does not conflict the concept of transcendence, plays a fundamental role in such a poetry. Similarly to what happens during mystical ecstasy, this union affects the perception of the individual identity, usually reduced to dualist and exclusive terms such as body/soul, outside/inside, form/essence, etc., as well as the time-space categories involved in its building process. In an attempt to communicate this transcendence, poems resort to figurative and symbolic wordings including, for example, “heaven,” “paradise,” or “golden years,” which seem to be restored since ecstasy enables participation by suspending the chronological time and its course.


Paradise; sacred time; historical time; restoration; transcendence

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Published : 2021-02-01

LlorenteM. (2021). “The flesh also leads to heaven”. The body, ecstasy and paradise in erotic-love contemporary Mexican poetry. Romanica Silesiana, 15(1), 117-129. https://doi.org/10.31261/RS.2019.15.09

María Ema Llorente 
University in Cuernavaca, Morelos  Mexico

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