The influence of the majoritarian voting system on electoral attitudes of Poles. Casus of Pawel Kukiz's electorate in the presidential election 2015


This article refers to the social and political consequences of the absolute majority system in the presidential election, referring directly to the study of the electorate of Paweł Kukiz from the presidential election of 2015. The first part defines the majority system and points out the difference between the relative and absolute majority system, as well as the described role of the presidential election in 2015. Afterward, based on the author's research on Paweł Kukiz's electorate, authors going to defined the social and political consequences of the majority system in the presidential election. Particular analysis has subject to the electoral motives influencing political behavior during the second round of elections.


Key words:

electoral system, majoritarian voting system, absolute majority, presidential election 2015, Poland, Pawel Kukiz

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Published : 2017-12-20

PlutaK., & WujecB. (2017). The influence of the majoritarian voting system on electoral attitudes of Poles. Casus of Pawel Kukiz’s electorate in the presidential election 2015. Political Preferences, (17). Retrieved from

Kamil Pluta
University of Wroclaw  Poland
Bartosz Wujec 
University of Wroclaw  Poland

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