How to Prevent Corruption: a Multidimensional Approach

Agnieszka Turska-Kawa


The article presents the analysis of different factors which are or may be the source of corrupt behaviors among the citizens. The analysis refers to the field of formal actions taken by the services whose goal is to protect broadly understood security of the residents. Psychological sources are then presented, emphasizing the corruption-generating role of the low level of trust and individual competition orientation. The social factors are first of all the mechanism of social comparisons, which can activate the consent to corruption or justify the person's unethical behaviors. Educational factors are also discussed, with consideration of the fact that school is the institution which should properly shape young people's attitudes, making them sensitive to unethical behaviors and providing them with competencies and knowledge connected with the ability to behave in difficult situations. These areas, though apparently distinct, are integral parts of the system and they mutually stimulate or inhibit each other.


Key words:

corruption, trust, unethical behaviors, civil society

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Published : 2017-12-20

Turska-KawaA. (2017). How to Prevent Corruption: a Multidimensional Approach. Political Preferences, (17). Retrieved from

Agnieszka Turska-Kawa
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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