Practical dimension of local democracy. Model of cooperation of the City of Szczecin with non-governmental organizations


The aim of this article is to analyze the cooperation of the City of Szczecin with non-governmental organizations in the years 2012-2016. The article deals with the formal and legal aspects of cooperation, the potential of Szczecin NGOs, selected areas of co-operation within the three dimensions and conclusions. The hypothesis assumes that the City of Szczecin is a model example of cooperation with non-governmental organizations.


Key words:

local democracy, non-governmental organizations, city of Szczecin

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Published : 2017-12-20

KowalczykK. (2017). Practical dimension of local democracy. Model of cooperation of the City of Szczecin with non-governmental organizations. Political Preferences, (17). Retrieved from

Krzysztof Andrzej Kowalczyk
University of Szczecin  Poland
Dr hab. prof. US w Instytucie Politologii i Europeistyki.

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