Formation of the European Local Self-government Model in Ukraine: Developments and Expectations


The article examines the issues of the formation European local self-government. The analysis of the local self-government development in Ukraine is presented. The author explores the existing local self-government legal framework with regard to a possibility of applying the European experience in this sphere to the Ukrainian legislation. Special attention is paid to the existing implementation problems of the adopted laws.


local self-government; decentralization; Magdeburg Law; cross-border cooperation; European legislation

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Published : 2019-04-08

StrutynskyiV., & Strutynska-StrukL. (2019). Formation of the European Local Self-government Model in Ukraine: Developments and Expectations. Political Preferences, (22), 5-18. Retrieved from

Vladyslav Strutynskyi
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University  Ukraine
Liudmyla Strutynska-Struk 
Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University  Ukraine

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