Syriza in power (2015-2019): A Review of Selected Aspects


What are the consequences of Syriza coming to power in Greece in 2015? Did it become a new Weimar Germany for the future Europe? In this article we test the hypothesis that winning two consecutive parliamentary elections in 2015 and forming a government contributed to a farther institutionalisation of this party within the rules of Greek democracy. This article is based on data from the Greek Ministry of Interior and the website of the Greek parliament. This text aims at presenting the process of transformation of Syriza - a radical, left-wing, anti-establishment and anti-austerity party into a governmental entity, pro systemic and accepting the principle of the democratic state of law. All this was due to the establishing of the governmental coalition with ANEL, a nationalist party; social-economic reforms; the reform of the electoral system for parliamentary elections; the proposal of a constitutional reform and the ending of the nearly 30-year dispute with Macedonia. The electoral failure during the parliamentary elections on the 7th of July 2019 finishes a 4-year governance of Syriza and enables us to try to evaluate this experiment for the first time. A key finding of our investigation is the need to highlight the respect for the democratic rules by Syriza during its government and its further institutionalisation as one of the main groupings of the contemporary party system in Greece.


Syriza; radical left party; coalition government; Greek democracy; Prespa Agreement

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Published : 2019-12-02

LorenckaM., & Aravantinou LeonidiG. (2019). Syriza in power (2015-2019): A Review of Selected Aspects. Political Preferences, (24), 5-26.

Małgorzata Lorencka
University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland  Poland
Giulia Aravantinou Leonidi 
University La Sapienza of Rome, Italy  Greece

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