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ISSN: 2353-9658 (Online) DOI: 10.31261/GSS

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„Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa” - to międzynarodowy periodyk adresowany nie tylko do socjologów, lecz także do przedstawicieli innych nauk społecznych i humanistycznych oraz wszystkich osób zainteresowanych problematyką społeczną. Czasopismo jest platformą dyskusji o regionach poprzemysłowych i pogranicza kulturowego.


INVITATION TO SUBMIT A MANUSCRIPT for a special issue of "Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa"


Dear colleagues and sociologists

The editorial team of "Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa" cordially invites everyone interested to submit their manuscripts for the upcoming 2025 issue.


The working title of the issue planned for 2025 is: "Współczesne wyzwania podmiotowości i humanizacji pracy" (Contemporary Challenges of Subjectivity and the Humanization of Work").

The issue will be edited by Sławomira Kamińska-Berezowska, PhD, and Assoc. Prof. Rafał Muster from the Institute of Sociology of the University of Silesia in Katowice.

An essential context of this invitation includes critical and traditional approaches to the sociological understanding and study of work, with this invitation being directed both to researchers using qualitative and quantitative research methods, as well as to those conducting theoretical analyses.

The goal of the issue will be to examine the challenges of subjective treatment of employees of different categories, including those differentiated by gender, national origin, age, education, health status, physical ability, or income levels. The aim is to capture the multidimensionality of work, including its physical, intellectual, managerial, educational, or emotional aspects. In connection with the contemporary multitude of crises, primarily caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and, subsequently, the war in Ukraine, it seems very important to pay attention to the challenges of transformation and humanization of work, which increasingly is performed not only on-site but also remotely or in a hybrid model. In this latter context, the redefinition of work itself and the fluidity of its boundaries, especially when it is performed outside the company's premises, appear to be very interesting issues.


Abstracts in Polish or English (approx. 700 characters, including spaces) shall be sent to the editors of the Issue (slawomira.kaminska-berezowska@us.edu.pl; rafal.muster@us.edu.pl) by 30.11.2024 – use "GSS2025" as the subject line of the email. Abstracts shall include (in addition to the description of the work) the author's name, affiliation, and email contact.

After the initial acceptance of abstracts by the editors of the Issue (by 15.12.2024), we will be waiting for your finished manuscripts. The author should register on the journal's website or log in if they already have an account in the system.

Deadline for submitting finished manuscripts for publication is 28.02.2025. Manuscripts can be submitted in either Polish or English. We kindly ask you to submit the finished manuscripts via the journal's editorial platform per the accepted editorial guidelines. More information can be found on the Information for Authors site (us.edu.pl).

The editors of the Issue and the Editor-in-Chief are responsible for making decisions regarding the selection of articles for publication from the manuscripts submitted to the journal. The editors are bound by the ethical and intellectual standards established for academic publications. The evaluation of submitted articles is solely based on their content. Each article is reviewed by two independent reviewers from outside the academic unit affiliated with the author of the publication, per the "double-blind review process" rule.

We cordially invite you to submit manuscript proposals!

Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa w bazach danych


Wydawnictwo jest dostępne w bazie BazHum Muzeum Historii Polski w Warszawie.

Wszystkie tomy po 2010 roku tomy dostępne są również w wersji elektronicznej.

Czasopismo dostępne jest również w wersji elektronicznej w Central and Eastern European Online Library.

Od 2016 roku Górnośląskie Studia Socjologiczne. Seria Nowa indeksowane są w bazie ERIH+.