The elder-monk-miracle man as a hero of modern Russian prose


This article presents selected literary works by writers of contemporary Russian literature, whose hero is an elder-monk or miracle man.
Writers as Lyudmila Petryshevskaya, Evgeniy Vodolazkin, Tikhon Shevkunov and Maya Kucherskaya in their works refer to the genres of religious literature such as patericon,
hagiography and the apophthegma. The author's interest in the character, directly referring to the tradition of Fyodor Dostoyevsky and elder Zosima,
from the novel "The Brothers Karamazov" is an expression of longing for national values related to the spiritual
culture of Russian Orthodoxy and a reflection of the dialogue between religious and secular literature that is taking place today.

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Published : 2023-06-11

Wójcikowska-WantuchP. (2023). The elder-monk-miracle man as a hero of modern Russian prose. Przegląd Rusycystyczny [Russian Studies Review], (2 (182), 81-98.

Paulina Monika Wójcikowska-Wantuch
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN w Krakowie  Poland

Adiunkt w Katedrze Literatury Rosyjskiej na Wydziale Neofilologii Uniwerystetu Pedagogicznego. Autorka monografii Rosyjska bajka literacka na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Zainteresowania badawcze: relacje literatury końca XX i początku XXI wieku z gatunkami folkloru oraz nawiązania do mitologii słowiańskiej,  duchowość prawosławna, bajki i baśnie, literatura dziecięca polska i rosyjska.

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