Aesthetic values in the translation of media texts


Various forms of the aestheticization of everyday life are found in the multimodal media discourse, which – being strongly embedded in the social, cultural and political context – provides mediatized interpretations of reality. The aesthetic components found in press texts (apart from the aesthetics of verbal communication, in the visual code with the dominant role of photographs and graphics) influence not only the process of creating a press text, bur also its perception. In the paper, these issues are presented from the translation perspective. In the new (Polish) communication space, Russian press texts receive both a new language version and a new graphic design. This appears to be significant when we consider the aesthetic values of the texts and suggestions concerning their interpretation.


estetyka, komunikowanie medialne, przekład, komponowanie sensu; Aesthetic values in the translation of media texts

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Published : 2023-09-12

PstygaA. (2023). Aesthetic values in the translation of media texts. Przegląd Rusycystyczny [Russian Studies Review], (3 (183), 45-58.

Alicja Teresa Pstyga
Uniwersytet Gdański  Poland

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