On a Borderline between Fact and Fiction. Literary Output of Eugene Vodolazkin


The paper On a Borderline between Fact and Fiction. Literary Output of Eugene Vodolazkin concentrates on two works of the contemporary Russian writer Eugene Vodolazkin (born 1964) that met with the highest response in the Czech milieu, i.e. Laurus (2012) and The Aviator (2015). Using the methods of genre analysis and comparison, the essay examines their specific genre features and a borderline made up by mediaeval historical facts, traits of a chronicle, biographical novel, hagiography and legend in the case of Laurus and, in the case of The Aviator, the genre of a diary achieved by placing the main character's recollections into the diary records and by facts connected with Saint Petersburg.


Eugene Vodolazkin, novels, Laurus, The Aviator, literary genre, genre borderline, method of comparison

PaedDr. Lenka Odehnalová, Ph.D. (*1986), university teacher.
She is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra (Slovak Republic) and the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University (Czech Republic), where she defended her dissertation entitled Dostoevsky's Diary of a Writer in Contexts and Confrontations. Genres – Themes – Motives – Reception in 2021.
She works at the University of Defence in Brno. Her postdoctoral studies at the Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Králové, focus on contemporary Russian literature, and her research also focuses on the personality and work of F. M. Dostoyevsky and autobiographical genres in Slavic literatures.

ORCID number: 0000-0003-3134-1943

Published : 2024-02-12

OdehnalováL. (2024). On a Borderline between Fact and Fiction. Literary Output of Eugene Vodolazkin. Przegląd Rusycystyczny [Russian Studies Review], (1 (185), 133-145. https://doi.org/10.31261/pr.16044

Lenka Odehnalová  lenka.odehnalova@uhk.cz
University of Hradec Králové  Czechia

Dr, absolwentka Wydziału Filozofii Uniwersytetu Konstantyna Filozofa w Nitrze (Słowacja) oraz Wydziału Sztuki Uniwersytetu Masaryka (Czechy), gdzie w 2021 roku obroniła rozprawę doktorską Dostoevsky's Diary of a Writer in Contexts and Confrontations. Genres – Themes – Motives – Reception. Obecnie zatrudniona na Uniwersytecie Obrony w Brnie. Jej główne zainteresowania badawcze skupiają się na współczesnej literaturze rosyjskiej, osobowości i twórczości Fiodora Dostojewskiego oraz gatunkach autobiograficznych w literaturach słowiańskich.

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