Teaching Polish as a foreign/second language A few words on the school-taught variety of Polish


The article discusses the issue of teaching Polish to students with migration experience. It also presents the cultural component, often being a determining factor for the dynamic of acquiring the Polish language and successive adaptation in Polish schools. The first part of the article is a brief overview of the language proficiency dichotomy theory by Jim Cummins, the general characteristics of the school-taught variety of language, as well as the potential difficulties/challenges that students may encounter during everyday school lessons. The second part of the text provides examples of good practices – activities that may support the acquisition of the language of school education among students, both in terms of reading comprehension, writing papers, and universal practical solutions that can be used in all lessons.


teaching students with migrant experience in Poland; teaching Polish as a foreign and second language; Polish as a language of schooling

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Published : 2023-03-03

MikulskaA. (2023). Teaching Polish as a foreign/second language A few words on the school-taught variety of Polish. Z Teorii I Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego, 32, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.31261/TPDJP.2023.32.01

Anna Mikulska  anna.mikulska.m@gmail.com
Jagiellonian University  Poland

Anna Mikulska – PhD in linguistics, is a graduate of Polish philology, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, specializing in teaching Polish as a foreign and second language. In June 2022, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the process of acquiring Polish by Chinese students, written under the supervision of Anna Seretny, PhD, ScD. A Kosciuszko Foundation scholar (2021–2022). Her research interests include teaching Polish as a foreign and a second language to children and teenagers with migrant experience. Author of several scholarly articles. She cooperates, among others, with the auxiliary educational services centre (ZOPO) in the Lesznowola commune (nearby Warsaw), the Centre for Education Development (ORE) in
Warsaw, and with PS 34 Oliver H. Perry Elementary School in New York.

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