The Ability of Primary School Fourth Graders to Create Definitions (on the Example of the Term “Superhero”)


The ability to define is necessary for each language user and should be developed during school education. However, it should also be noted that this skill is not explicitly mentioned in the current core curriculum for Polish. Instead, the core curriculum refers to the ability to read definitions and to distinguish between their types. This article aims to present the results of the study of language skills represented by 4th grade students in a primary school. The pupils created definitions of the word “superhero” indicated in the instruction. The collected material was used to reconstruct the pupils’ understanding of the genre pattern of a definition. The analysis given in the article is limi­ted to the structural aspect of the genre pattern. Definition patterns and their types are presented. The survey shows that the pupils are aware of the studied genre. The vast majority of them can produce structurally correct definitions. They can indicate a definiendum, definiens and sometimes a linking part (copula). In general, students make real definitions. Only a few examples represent another type of a definition, e.g. an ostensive or synonymous one.


definition; definition skills; genre pattern; primary school; language education

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Published : 2023-08-30

TrysińskaM. (2023). The Ability of Primary School Fourth Graders to Create Definitions (on the Example of the Term “Superhero”). Z Teorii I Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego, 32, 1-18.

Magdalena Trysińska 
University of Warsaw  Poland

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