The Conceptualization of the Relationship Between Speech and Writing in the Writings of Young Children


The notes of young children who have already learned Polish letters but have not yet started institutional learning or are at the beginning of school education, have a non-standard graphic form. The aim of the article is to show the positive consequences of looking at such records as the effect of the intentional use of the script, located between the orthographic representation and the phonetic transcription. The change of perspective allows us to reconstruct the ways of children’s conceptualization of writing and its relation to speech. Children’s notes reflect the ways of categorizing speech sounds and reconstructing the native language’s graphemic system, and also illustrate the process of increasing language awareness. Perceiving children’s deviations from standard spelling in terms of the attempts to reflect pronunciation rather than misspellings offers an opportunity to help them learn to read and write more effectively.


notes of young children; semi-phonetic notation; conceptualization; handwriting analysis; learning to write

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Published : 2023-08-28

AwramiukE. (2023). The Conceptualization of the Relationship Between Speech and Writing in the Writings of Young Children. Z Teorii I Praktyki Dydaktycznej Języka Polskiego, 32, 1-11.

Elżbieta Awramiuk 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku  Poland

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