The ironic component in the dramatic works of Olga Mukhina


This article looks into the presence of irony in the artistic output of Olga Mukhina. This notion is not only a literary device in the playwright's plays but above all a way of thinking of the postmodern man. The ironic component and the accompanying categories of carnivalization and play are used by Mukhina to highlight the impression of the instability of the postmodern world, for instance through illogical, seemingly incoherent, and ironic dialogues of the characters. The following works were analyzed: Tanya-Tanya, You, and Flying.


Olga Mukhina; contemporary Russian drama; new drama; irony

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Published : 2023-06-11

Charko-KlekotP. (2023). The ironic component in the dramatic works of Olga Mukhina. Przegląd Rusycystyczny [Russian Studies Review], (2 (182), 124-142.

Paulina Charko-Klekot
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach  Poland

Mgr, asystentka w Instytucie Literaturoznawstwa Wydziału Humanistycznego UŚ. Zainteresowania i badania naukowe: najnowsza dramaturgia rosyjska, feminizm, gender studies, polityczność teatru i dramatu.

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