On identity and cultural memory in "Dagestani essays" by Alisa Ganieva


The aim of the article is to analyze and interpret a series of ten sketch stories by Alisa Ganieva titled Dagestani Essays (2010). The starting point for the conducted analysis is the classical theory of communication and the genre characteristics of the sketch and the essay. A significant criterion is the strong position of the author's narration. The thesis presented in this article assumes that the chosen form of expression allows Ganieva to achieve two goals: firstly, to show the reader a picture of the unknown Dagestan, and secondly, to highlight the common experiences of the inhabitants of Russia. The unspoken aim of Dagestani Essays is to determine one's own „self” thanks to a journey to the place of one's childhood.


literary sketch, essay, Ganieva, Dagestan, journey

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Published : 2023-10-10

KulaJ. (2023). On identity and cultural memory in "Dagestani essays" by Alisa Ganieva. Przegląd Rusycystyczny [Russian Studies Review], (4 (184), 78-96. https://doi.org/10.31261/pr.15472

Joanna Maria Kula  joanna.kula@uwr.edu.pl
Uniwersytet Wrocławski  Poland

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