Cognitive Behavioural Techniques in Logophobia Treatment: A Case Study


Basing on a case study, this article presents the theoretical and practical investigations into the use of cognitive behavioural techniques in the logophobia therapy. It discusses the role of psychological therapy in the context of fluency of speech disorders and analyses cognitive behavioural techniques. Moreover, it presents the practical application of cognitive behavioural trends, taking into consideration the implications of speech therapy. The case study is devoted to a man diagnosed with physiological stuttering of a mixed, tonic-clonic type, and deep logophobia. The subject of this article is a therapy plan, its results for the patient, and recommendations it poses for future treatment. The case study reveals the positive influence of psychological therapy on the patient’s progress in the context of fluency of speech and decrease in the fear of speaking.

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Published : 2018-12-23

ChęciekM., & Kozłowska-StochS. (2018). Cognitive Behavioural Techniques in Logophobia Treatment: A Case Study. Logopedia Silesiana, (7), 139-153. Retrieved from

Mieczysław Chęciek
Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny SWPS w Warszawie, studia podyplomowe: Neurologopedia  Poland
Sylwia Kozłowska-Stoch 
Placówki oświatowo-wychowawcze we Wrocławiu: Punkt Przedszkolny ,,Dziarskie Smyki”, Żłobki ,,Kolorowe Misie”, Przedszkole i Żłobki ,,Akademia Delfinka”, Przedszkole Publiczne ,,Pod Wierzbami”  Poland

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