A Story with a Seashore. On Bruno Schulz’s Pseudobiography in David Grossman’s "Novel See Under: Love"


The article A story with a seashore. On Bruno Schulz’s pseudobiography in David Grossman’s novel “See Under: Love” is a comparative analysis of an important theme contained in a 1986 novel by Israeli writer David Grossman. In his work, Grossman presents an alternative version of Bruno Schulz’s biography, mixing biographical facts with oneirism. In this work, Bruno escapes from the Drohobych ghetto, goes to Gdańsk and, in the sea, is transformed into a lower form of being: retaining his human identity, he becomes a salmon. In doing so, he fulfils one of the rules of Schulz’s ontology, according to which “the wandering of forms is the essence of life”. The climax of the novel is a dialogue between the protagonist-narrator and the author’s alter ego, Szloma Neumann, and Bruno, who is storing his unknown work titled Messiah in the depths of the sea. Szloma wants to know the meaning of Schulz’s “genial epoch” and the related notion,
cabalistic in spirit, that of a progressive-regressive movement towards the future (the messianic times), identified with a return to the mythical origin and the erasure of human history. The artists’ alliance is thwarted by Szloma, who – burdened by the trauma of the Holocaust – is unable to reject his memory. He does, however, receive a hint from Schulz on how to write a novel about the Holocaust: not death, but love should be its theme. Grossman’s novel, a tribute to the Drohobych artist, is an example of an original reading of his work and, at the same time, a continuation of the motifs and themes that appear in it.


David Grosman; Bruno Schulz; Israeli prose


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Published : 2024-04-04

TarnowskaB. (2024). A Story with a Seashore. On Bruno Schulz’s Pseudobiography in David Grossman’s "Novel See Under: Love". Postscriptum Polonistyczne, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.31261/PS_P.2024.33.01

Beata Tarnowska  beata.tarnowska@uwm.edu.pl
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn  Poland

BEATA TARNOWSKA – associate professor, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Literary Studies, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland. Literary scholar. Prof. Tarnowska’s research interests focus on the space presented in a literary work, issues of artistic translation, bilingualism in literature and Polish-Israeli literary relations. Author of many books, including Geografia poetycka w powojennej twórczości Czesława Miłosza [Poetic Geography in the Post-War Work of Czesław Miłosz] (Olsztyn 1996), Między światami. Problematyka bilingwizmu w literaturze. Dwujęzyczna twórczość poetów grupy „Kontynenty” [Between Worlds. The Problem of Bilingualism in Literature. Bilingual Work of the Poets of the “Kontynenty” Group] (Olsztyn 2004), Tel Awiw – Jerozolima. Literackie kreacje przestrzeni miejskiej [Tel Aviv – Jerusalem. Literary Creations of Urban Space] (Olsztyn 2019).

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