The “human face” of the Upper-Silesian blue-collar workers in the interwar period [Rev. Dariusz Zalega: Śląsk zbuntowany]


The book Śląsk zbuntowany (‛The rebellious Silesia’) by Dariusz Zalega proposes a new way of writing about the workers’ movement, which is both approachable and devoid of anticommunist sentiment. The author takes the readers on a journey with blue-collar workers originating from Upper Silesia — volunteers forming the International Brigades, participating in the Spanish Civil War of the years 1936—1939 on the side of the Popular Front. Apart from the description of the fighting itself, a lot of space in the book was devoted to circumstances leading the protagonist to Spain. A brief outline of fates of those who managed to survive the clashes with General Francisco Franco’s army is also presented.


the history of Upper Silesia; the workers' movement; the Spanish Civil War

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Published : 2020-12-18

FicM. (2020). The “human face” of the Upper-Silesian blue-collar workers in the interwar period [Rev. Dariusz Zalega: Śląsk zbuntowany]. Wieki Stare I Nowe, 15(20), 159-166.

Maciej Fic 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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