Multidimensionally about the Senate in the interwar Poland [Rev. Senat II Rzeczypospolitej (1922—1939) — „rzecznik rozsądku, rozwagi i miary”, eds. Zbigniew Girzyński, Jarosław Kłaczkow, Jan Żaryn, Toruń 2020]


The reviewed book is a collection which consists of twelve thematically diversified chapters. All of them are about the Senate in the Second Polish Republic. The authors present many little-known aspects of the shape and the functioning of the upper house of the parliament in Poland during years 1922—1939. The book discusses such issues as the legal conceptions of the Senate, its structure, functions, political background and composition. The publication is a valuable supplement to the previous research. It also brings new detailed findings to the image of the Senate in the interwar Poland.


the Senate; upper house of the parliament; interwar period; the Second Polish Republic

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Published : 2022-10-13

MagieraP. (2022). Multidimensionally about the Senate in the interwar Poland [Rev. Senat II Rzeczypospolitej (1922—1939) — „rzecznik rozsądku, rozwagi i miary”, eds. Zbigniew Girzyński, Jarosław Kłaczkow, Jan Żaryn, Toruń 2020]. Wieki Stare I Nowe, 17(22), 1-12.

Paweł Magiera
The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow  Poland

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