Educational issues in the activities of German MPs in the Parliament of the Second Polish Republic (1928—1930)


The article examines the specific features of the activities of German Members of Parliament (MPs) in the Parliament of the Second Polish Republic in the years 1928—1930 (second term of office), which were directed at defending the right to education for Germans, creation of legal grounds for the opening of German-language schools as a guarantee of the national identity preservation. German MPs defended their voters’ educational rights during parliamentary speeches, debates on education, and language-based conflicts, interpellations, and protests. German politicians tried to improve the situation of schooling for Germans by introducing legislative initiatives, inquiries, and interpellations, which raised such important issues as adoption of educational legislation in consultation with minorities, to expand the network of German-language schools, and to provide conditions for their unimpeded activities, stopping persecution of teachers. Their legislative initiative was often supported by Ukrainian and Jewish politicians, deputies from the leftwing Polish parties of the Sejm who advocated securement for children’s learning of their mother tongue. German deputies joined in providing Germans with fundamental rights guaranteed by domestic law and international agreements.


Second Polish Republic; Polish Parliament (the Sejm); German Members of Parliament; educational policy; national minorities


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Published : 2022-12-28

RudaO., & PikhO. (2022). Educational issues in the activities of German MPs in the Parliament of the Second Polish Republic (1928—1930). Wieki Stare I Nowe, 17(22), 1-15.

Oksana Ruda 
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  Ukraine
Olek Pikh
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  Ukraine

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