Pszczyna during the Silesian wars (1740—1763) An outline of history


At the outbreak of the First Silesian War (1740—1742), Pszczyna was the seat of the Free State, ruled since the 16th century by the Promnitz family, which was a part of the Habsburg Monarchy. At the beginning of 1741, Erdmann II Promnitz together with other representatives of the local government in Upper Silesia tried to remain loyal to the Habsburgs. In the spring of 1741, the pro-Habsburg coalition quickly collapsed in the face of the Prussian army’s superiority. At the end of 1741, the Prussians organised military garrisons in Upper Silesia, including Pszczyna. During the Second Silesian War (1744—1745), the Habsburg troops counterattacked, and at the end of 1744, they retook almost the whole Upper Silesia. At that time, a battle took place in Pszczyna between Hungarian and Prussian troops. The consequence of the Silesian Wars was, among others, the reorganization of the administration, including the creation of the Pszczyna County.


Pszczyna; Silesian wars; Prussia; House of Habsburg

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Published : 2022-10-13

GrudniewskiJ., & GrudniewskaH. (2022). Pszczyna during the Silesian wars (1740—1763) An outline of history. Wieki Stare I Nowe, 17(22), 1-17.

Jakub Grudniewski
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland
Hanna Grudniewska 
University of Ostrava  Czechia

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